I like the style of the drawings! I would love to see more in this style. I like the music, though as for the dreamy shots, i would have chosen for something more...dreamy music :P
I like the style of the drawings! I would love to see more in this style. I like the music, though as for the dreamy shots, i would have chosen for something more...dreamy music :P
Hmm, i wanted to have create a grand and menacing feeling with the music but i suppose the slow shots caused some disparity betweeen elements. Thanks for the 10 and review!
Really original script ;)
Seriously, this is really nice. High quality rendering, good use of the flares and most of all nice soundeffects. Story was short, but well written. I would love to see some more of this stuff here on Newgrounds. Keep it up!
This is really good stuff! Beautifull drawings in a sort of art nouveau style or something like that :) Story is excelent with an open ending (sequel, sequel!!)
Music was really really good and clever, though i guess it wasnt written exclusive for this animation which is a shame. You should check the MAC 2012 for some collab ^^
Last thing; The scenes when u move from a total-shot to a close/medium-close aren't that fluently, if you know what I mean. I dont know how to fix that though. :)
This is sooo funny! I liked them all very much but mainly goatman and frameslinger did a good job.
The voicoverguy was awesome too! ^^
That was actually me, Goat-Man doing the voiceovers :)
Glad to hear you liked my part as well as my narration. I really am new to voice work, so it's encouraging to hear that I didn't do terrible Haha
Really nice story and well-drawn funny animations! 5/5!
Aah what a nice landing spot.
My most favorite Skyrim Movie! The most funny part is definitely the singing of the Pirates of the Carrabean song during the assault ^^.
Haha! First flash movie that made me laugh really hard since a few months. And I even don't like Steven :)
nice and funny
Hehe nice funny vid! I think it is well done. Nice soundffx and drawings. But why does it always have to be Mario or Link or someone who took an arrow to the knee? >? :S
Joined on 12/28/11